Tuesday 18 September 2007

My First Blog

Well I began today feeling very bored and lonely. After visiting one of my neighbours she said about facebook so I thought hey lets have a go. OMG how many people do I remember from all over the place - Talbot Primary, Marple High, Cadets and just random people!
In a way I hope people don't remember me, as I was the Geek/Freak and never really fitted in - but I suppose everyone will have grown up now and be getting on with their lives.

I do believe I have changed after being married for nearly 3 years and a lovely 18 month old son.
Kev my hubby, is currently away with the army for two weeks - god it gets hard when he goes away! So I am looking after our baby boy 24/7 and trying to work out what to do with myself as I now live in Loughborough which is MILES from anywhere and anyone. Its hard not to just continually go shopping as I haven't found anything to do here in the two years I have lived here.

I still like computer games and am part of a clan with call of duty1 and 2 just waiting for the release of cod4! It keeps me busy and theres always people around to chat with.

Well thats it for now- my little man will be up soon and I always have lots to do when hes around!
